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A quick script to add the Bluesky Social logo to your social icons.
Chris Schwartz-Edmisten and I nerd out a bit about our favorite attribute selectors, one of the most powerful ways to target things in Squarespace.
By default, your dropdowns in your header navigation aren’t clickable, with just a little bit of code though, we can change that.
Recently, I got a new headshot. Except it’s not me; it’s an AI rendering of me.
Showcase your services or pricing with this interactive and elegant pricing section.
Let people register for your events faster by adding an additional button to your Event Summaries page.
Keep open & fix your course sidenav to the side of your page with this professional course layout.
Replace your site title on a specific page to highlight a different brand or membership area.
Use a different logo that with specific color themes so that it’s more visible.
Replace your site logo on a specific page to highlight a different brand or membership area.
Create a longer cross-fade transition on your simple or full-width gallery section in Squarespace. And yup, it works in Firefox.
A fun overview of some of our metrics in 2024.