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Chrome » Chrome Web Store » Squarespace ID Finder


The Squarespace ID Finder gives you easy access to some of the most used code in Squarespace, unique ID’s. Each page, section, and block in Squarespace has a unique ID associated with it.

Using this ID, you can target some code to specific elements or areas of your website.


A block id, sometimes written as #block-id, is the unique id associated with a block.

Using this unique ID, you can target some CSS to only apply to that single block, or use it in your javascript to grab a specific block.


Website » Website Tools » Custom CSS


CSS controls the look and feel of your website. Whether you have code in your Custom CSS area or not, there are 10’s of thousands of lines of CSS already being applied to your website.

Your Custom CSS area gives you a place to write your own CSS, which will override the current styles on your website.

This CSS gets added to every page on your website.


Website » Website Tools » Code Injection


The Code Injection areas allows you to add code globally throughout your website. This is where you might install a plugin, or make some global changes to your website.

There is an area to add html to your header, your footer and to a few other system pages.

This area only accepts html, so be sure you’re using <script> or <style> tags if you want to write javascript or css, respectively.


Page Settings » Advanced


The Page Code Injection areas allows you to add code to the head of a specific page.

This area only accepts html, so be sure you’re using <script> or <style> tags if you want to write javascript or css, respectively.